Friday, March 28, 2008


You know, one wonder's how many times one can feel nervous in a week. Well, this week, I've got that same sensation of a thorny fruit stuck in my throat and butterflies in my stomach four times in a week. Drama competition. Next stage of drama competitions. And two band auditions back to back with my band :


Lead Guitarist : Muhammad Firdaus

Tarrence Tan
: Rhythm Guitarist

Drummer :
Chow Zhen Bon

Azhar Ashraf
: Vocalist

Bassist :
Razlan Rizal

So well, not much to say here. Just well. Here's our Auidition for LEO's I.U. Vids!


You can forward the first one to 2:50. That's when it actually starts.

Go to my YouTube page and comment by clicking Here please!

Stand By Me

She-Wolf Solo


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